Invierte en propiedades inmobiliarias en Madrid

+ 25.000.000€ gestionados en inversiones inmobiliarias.

Invierte en ladrillo en Madrid y obtén una alta rentabilidad en una de las ciudades con mayor demanda de viviendas de Europa.

Tú puedes hacerlo sin ayuda, por supuesto.

Pero… nuestros contactos y experiencia te garantizan retornos superiores al 6-7%, con informes de las zonas con mayor potencial de crecimiento, avalado por decenas de agentes inmobiliarios con los que colaboramos, así como arquitectos y reformistas que conocen la ciudad a la perfección.

Nosotros nos encargamos de todo, búsqueda del activo, due dilligence con arquitectos de Revicasa, negociación, proyección de retorno estimado, presupuesto de reforma con empresa externa y gestión de alquiler o venta del activo revalorizado.

¿Cómo trabajamos?

+34 919
Grupo Marsapi

01. Reserva del servicio

  • Provisión de fondos (1.500€)
  • Presupuesto total de inversión
  • Tipo de inversión (Para alquilar, reformar y vender, cambio de uso…)
  • No empezamos a trabajar hasta no tener un compromiso de pago por parte del cliente. No es negociable.

No empezamos a trabajar hasta no tener un compromiso de pago por parte del cliente. No es negociable.

02. Head to closing

Get your pre-approved home loan. Closing is the day you officially get the keys to your new home and pay all the various parties involved.

03. Move in!

Done with closing? Got your loan? Congratulations, you’ve officially graduated from a home buyer to a homeowner!

Comienza tu nueva inversión hoy

¿Cómo trabajamos?

We can find a property for the price range that fits your needs. We will help you to find the most suitable bank, prepare a loan application to organize an approval process and finally close on the property.

Featured listings

We are continually working to improve your home search experience, bringing you the best and most relevant properties, handpicked by our team.



Our brokerage lists a wide variety of homes and properties to rent in your area, including single-family houses, townhomes, lofts, and condominiums. It is possible that the home you are looking for is not listed on our website yet, but please feel free to contact me anyway.

Our brokerage lists a wide variety of homes and properties to rent in your area, including single-family houses, townhomes, lofts, and condominiums. It is possible that the home you are looking for is not listed on our website yet, but please feel free to contact me anyway.

Our brokerage lists a wide variety of homes and properties to rent in your area, including single-family houses, townhomes, lofts, and condominiums. It is possible that the home you are looking for is not listed on our website yet, but please feel free to contact me anyway.

Our brokerage lists a wide variety of homes and properties to rent in your area, including single-family houses, townhomes, lofts, and condominiums. It is possible that the home you are looking for is not listed on our website yet, but please feel free to contact me anyway.

Our brokerage lists a wide variety of homes and properties to rent in your area, including single-family houses, townhomes, lofts, and condominiums. It is possible that the home you are looking for is not listed on our website yet, but please feel free to contact me anyway.

Our brokerage lists a wide variety of homes and properties to rent in your area, including single-family houses, townhomes, lofts, and condominiums. It is possible that the home you are looking for is not listed on our website yet, but please feel free to contact me anyway.

Our brokerage lists a wide variety of homes and properties to rent in your area, including single-family houses, townhomes, lofts, and condominiums. It is possible that the home you are looking for is not listed on our website yet, but please feel free to contact me anyway.

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